Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Old" companions

WY and I have been on chatting on yahoo quite frequently these days. I must say that it does feel kind of funny, because we haven't really been keeping in close touch with one another since she left for Sydney 4 years ago. But this time, she was making the effort to keep in touch with her friends, so she obtained our email addresses and made a point to yahoo me during her off days. I was gratified....For me, I still find that old friends are better...pardon me, I am not saying that new friends are not good. Somehow, I have this feeling that old friends have been through quite a lot with u, seen ur ugliest natural state during hostel days, lent u a shoulder to cry on when u were faced with difficulties and distress in ur life, shared those fun happy moments jogging during late night around jalan bahar, eating supper, etc. How I missed those days...
Yes, it does feel great to bond old relationships. So WY and I would share about our personal lives, how our lives have changed over the years, and our opinions of friends around us. Interestingly, we realised we shared some common sentiments and feelings towards KS, which we never really dared to share in the past. What kept us hesitant about sharing our perceptions towards KS was the closeness which we used to share (at least in my opinion, we were pretty close). Now, with the passage of time, we have drifted apart with KS, both in terms of emotional thoughts and our value system. Not sure why things evolved the way they are, guess WY and I felt that it might be a bit late to salvage the friendship now.