Monday, May 08, 2006

Yes!! Finally Recovered!

Glad that I recovered, but guess this serious bout of sickness had taken a toll on my health. Mum says that I should eat less oats now, as oats have a damaging effect on my stomach...? Hmmn, guess there seemed some truth in what she said, so I will have to reduce the frequency of my oats intake from daily to probably twice or thrice a week. Phew! What a price to pay for trying to lose some weight for the big day!!
In the end, i recovered after a third trip to the doctor..and this time, to a chinese one. His medicine really works, and I must say he has been a trusted and reliable chinese doctor of my family. Apparently, he is quite well-known with my colleagues too.
A big thank you to my ONE, who has been tirelessly sending me to see the doctors, and staying by my side all this while. I really admire him for his patience at times, and wonder how he does it...("")
Today, I just attended a training for the issuance of some "wallet" for your corporate personal account. This wallet acts like a thumb drive and key to all your emails and system applications. This means that once you log on to your PC every morning, the key will remember your applications' passwords...phew!! Thus, you need not remember so many passwords, instead, you need to physically secure this key!! Arrghh..meaning everytime you go to the toilet or meetings, you need to carry it with you....? Right? This is the result of advancement of technology, causing more and more "burdens" in our daily lives.....


Blogger ~TomMich~ said...

Love is all about sharing life and taking care of each other, to be with each other and spend the days of our life.

Thu May 11, 05:31:00 PM  

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