we come!
Folks folks...been too busy to blog..haha..sorrie!
This evening, I went with my ONE to watch the movie "The Sentinel". I am glad that we went (finally....after much hesitations in the car), because we find that the movie was quite action-packed and thrilling. I especially liked to watch Michael Douglas, he is still suave and charming, despite the fact that he is older than some of the young actors. ONE also agreed with me...(**so, you know what I liked, right?).

Finally, we decided to take a break...well-deserved one....yes! We are heading for Bintan this weekend!! Heard about the nice sandy beaches, sunset, sunrise...etc, and this time, we shall see for ourselves!! Both of us are very "sua ku" lah, never been there before. We also heard that Zhengjie is celebrating his birthday this weekend...
ZJ: Sorry for not been able to attend. I am sure you will have a whale of your time on Sunday, with lots people with you....and of course, the ever so sooooo cute Mei Mei (JL). Gonna miss her lots overseas....(check it out!!)

Zhengjie, and Ah Yi are not able to attend your Birthday Party, but we would like to wish u a Happy Birthday, and many Happy Returns of the day. It's your day enjoy...U are a big boy now, must take care of Mei Mei, she is still young........
During lunchtime, i went to the money changer, and changed S$100 for Indonesia Rupiah $540,000. Wow, how good it would be if it was Singapore Dollars, hahaha.......
Well, I have never been to the Indonesia Islands or Bintan, thus it would be good to explore Bintan and get a feel of real islander life. I mean, not the Boring Sentosa Islander life.....hahaha
I look forward to the Bintan Trip with My Love.....she deserved a break for covering people's work back in office...hmmn....

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