Pleasant morning..enticing songs...

Today is a rainy day but i am bringing my Love for a day out, hmm, seems like i am neglecting her? Maybe spend less time on work....... Might go down to rochor look around for new year goodies for my In-Laws, then go Sim Lim Square look around for digital cameras. She might want to go Citilink or Orchard buy new year shoes and clothes......
Ok, I am writing the blog while listening to Fish Leong's songs...What a nice way to start a wet wet holiday mood.
No plans for today yet, but I am sure we'll think of something...what a good break from work, we must fully enjoy and utilise it....But the sky is overcast again......Yah, we have yet to buy new year goodies for dearest mum.... Need to reward her for her endless, lovely, hard work...Ha ha, dearest mum is cooking, so no need to worry about lunch.
My ONE is still in slumberland....well, he would not wake up till it is time to take brunch, as usual.... Of course, I would keep myself occupied, no worries about that...I need to help mum prepare lunch...
I hv been telling my ONE to contribute to the blog..oh oh..what happened to him? Nah...he is juz lazy to write...(I think)....hello? U there? If yes, pls write......
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